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How easy is it to re-injure a previously torn planters fascia?

Hi, I've just recoved from a battle with planters fasciitis in my left foot after 11 & 1/2 weeks in a protective boot cast which I was put into on Oct. 26th! I have a few questions in relation to proventing a re-injury because it was hell!

1. I was told not to jump or stomp my bad (left) foot, I'm attending a hockey game on Sunday and need to know if I can step on my arch or should I be keeping my foot flat...I will be wearing tough work boots with custom orthotics but still should I stay away from any type of arch pressure until instructed otherwise?

2. How easy is it, or how prone am I to a re-injury, can it still tear easily after it has healed, I was told I can put pressure on it but lately I've been weary walking, almost eggshell like, should I continue to be this causious or just walk normally and put myself at ease?

3. I still have pain in my ankle, and I was told it was due to inflammation as the injury itself has still not fully healed even though the tear has mended. I read that when a torn fascia heals up it is often stronger then it was originally, how true is this?

4. I have been placed on Naproxen for inflammation, however how long does it take inflammation and swelling to heal completely, does it heal microscopically with time? I go back for a follow-up appointment on Feb. 15th so I'm under the assumption that it will take atleast another month to be compleatly pain free is this correct as well?

Kevin Holtz

4418 day(s) ago

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1. Not sure what you saying or asking here

2. You are at risk for re-injury as you have the risk factors that predisposed to the injury in the first place and the injury heals with scar tissue, making it weaker.

3. healed injuries are not stronger, but are weaker.

4. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few months for it to heal, depends on the extent of the injury, what was done, how active you are etc etc etc

Posted 4417 days ago

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