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Can anyone help me with my chronic ankle pain and collapse. I can't stand or walk after work! ?

Hi, so for the past few months, I have been suffering constant ankle pain in both my feet after being on my feet for longer than an hour. It is a sharp pain near the ankle that hurts and feels like it's collapsing during my 5 hour retail shift job. I had to wear ankle braces and foot orthotics to help my ankle get through the shift, but the pain is still apparent and I already limp after the second hour of my shift. By the time I get home and take the braces off and lay down, I am unable to stand or get back up because it hurts too much to stand. I literally will crawl on my knees and arms in order to get to bed because standing and walking is nearly too painful to do. And then, when I try to sleep or rest, my ankle throbs and the pain will sometimes jolt me awake like it was a sharp cramp. It hurts so much and I have to take Advil PM daily just so I could have a better chance of sleeping. I also do the RICE method and use Icy Hot Packs but they only provide minimal relief. By the time I wake up, my feet feel better and I can walk for the most part, but once I am on my feet for longer than an hour or start work, the pain returns and I am in a constant cycle of ankle collapse and pain. This pain is mostly found on my right ankle but slowly my left ankle is starting to feel the pain as well as it is compensating for both my feet.

Originally, I do have flat feet, am duck footed, and have low to no arches. When I was in marching band in high school, I had ankle pain from rough exercise but my ankle is actually hurting more now than back then. I'm only 23 years old and slightly overweight, but being dealt with this excruciating ankle pain that has left me crippled, has scared me, hurt me, and is affecting my daily life. What should I do to feel better and improve this condition? I'm desperately looking for answers and relief. Thank you so much.

2498 day(s) ago

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At 23, this is serious.
It is hard to give definitive advice without seeing it, especially imaging with x-rays etc.

I would generally suggest that further testing is needed to work out what is going on. Get a second opinion.

Work with a physical therapist who can do mobilizations and prescribe exercises.

Posted 2497 days ago

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