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Why cant i stand with both feet flat on the ground?! Why do my heels raise ?

I have a question that i'm looking around for different answers to see if anyone can actually advise me on what is wrong.
For a very long time i have walked in a certain way and also naturally stood in a 'slanted' position to where I have never stood flat on both of my feet at the same time.. so when i stand, i stand on the balls of my feet, with my heels slightly raised off the ground. Not quite on my tip toes, but almost- its as if i am wearing an invisible pair of shoes that have an inch heel on them.

When i attempt to stand up straight with both my feet flat on the ground, I cannot. My heels automatically come off the ground and hover the floor, and when i try and put my weight onto my heels i just fall backwards and have no balance.

It is very difficult to explain, but i have attached photos of the way i stand naturally. It has become increasingly noticable to me, others around cannot notice however activities like trying to weigh myself on bathroom scales have made this problem clear to me- due to the fact I cant place both my feet flat on the scales.
It's as if when i put both my heels on the ground something is pulling me backwards. Alot of strain and stress is felt on the back of my heels and up the back of my leg when I attempt to stand straight with them on the ground, along with sometimes a strain in the tendons connecting my toes to my foot.

Please can you give me some advice, does this sound like a normal foot problem or something that other people experience? Everytime i try and explain this to someone people look at me like I am crazy. I would just like to be reassured that this problem can be fixed and there are roads I can go down. Maybe there is a 'name' for this problem??

3668 day(s) ago

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Sounds like you might have a congenital tightness of the calf muscles or a bony block in the ankle joint. I suggest you get to someone who can assess you for those, as both a amenable to surgery to fix.

Posted 3668 days ago

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