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Pain on outside edge of left foot after running in new shoes... ?

First off...I'm in the Military and I have years of running and ruck marching under my belt. More than just professionally, I regularly run 1/2 marathons, 10k's and 5k's and have for the last 8 years or so since I started college. I've never had a foot injury of any type until now.
I've been training for months for a school and I'm in the best shape of my life. A week ago I bought the new Brooks Ghost 3 shoes (I've ran in Brooks shoes quite often, usually rotating between them and Asics brand). Last Monday I ran 5 miles at an average pace in these new shoes and when I was running I could feel an uncomfortable lump under about where the styloid process/top of 5th metatarsal meet. It was only uncomfortable, nothing seemingly too serious like a pop, crack or pain.
Later in the day and into the next day there was quite a bit of pain when walking. I took it easy, took ibuprophen, used ice and warm water with epsom salts on and off and the pain went away for the most part by late Thursday, early Friday and I felt good throughout the weekend. This last Monday (exactly one week after the run that caused the issue in the first place) I did a 7 mile roach march with about 55 lbs in my pack (this is about average for me) and I felt great until the reemergence of mild pain about 800 meters/half mile from the end. I've been repeating the treatments of ibuprophen, rest, ice, and warm water & epsom salt baths for the last couple of days and the pain is quickly going away.
It should be noted that the pain, even at its worst, comes and goes.
I had an examination today by my doc and he said I had perfect stability and no signs of stress fractures.
After doing a weeks worth of research I'm confused about what the problem is and thus a little unsure of what methods to use to fix it. I have about 2.5 weeks until I need to be in tip top shape.
It seems as though there is a little tenderness in the peroneal tendon(s) when I roll my ankle to stretch them out. Just sometimes, not all the time. To apply pressure anywhere in the foot doesn't really hurt, but if I am walking for a good amount of time I'll get pain around the styloid process area and under in the outside sole area of my foot.
On a scale of 1-10 I'd say the pain at its worst has been a 4-5, more of a scare of what could be on the horizon with a challenging school in my future.
Any ideas? I'm thinking its probably more of a deep tissue/bone bruise given that I have good strength, stability and motion but there is no visible bruising.
Thoughts are appreciated in advance.

5281 day(s) ago

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The first thing that comes into my mind is cuboid syndrome. I would certainly not waste any time getting treatment for it as it easily managed.

I gave some links for cuboid syndrome resources in this question:

Posted 5277 days ago

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