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Neuroma and RSD... any non-invasive treatments out there? Ultrasound maybe?

Was an avid runner, got a neuroma between 2nd & 3rd metatarsals - it hurt like hell! Pads and cortisone didn't help, so I had the stupid surgery and got RSD from it. Sharp, stabbing pain in ball of foot never went away at all. Neuroma has been confirmed by another doctor as NOT being removed, too soon to grow back, it's .7 cm on ultrasound. I have two insurances and a sleazy surgeon who left it in there (I think) to milk me for more money... so he could 'go back in there' in a few months. He got rid of me so fast when he saw all of my nerve pain & that he wasn't going to be able to "go back in there" after all. Dirt bag. He writes that he sent the neuroma off to pathology, yet the assistant in the OR writes "N/A" for 'Tissues to be Sent to Lab.' The 'tissue' is still in my foot & I can hardly walk!!! At any rate, I had my new doc try ultrasound guided alcohol injections after I got the RSD calmed down with a few sympathetic nerve blocks. Well, the 2nd injection caused the RSD to flare and spread up through my ankle and half-way up my calf! Help!!! I don't want to limp from this neuroma forever! I've been limping for 9 months now. Just a year ago, I was coaching and running 15-20 miles per week, and now I can't even walk down my street. Can I do anything for this neuroma? It's so frustrating and miserable to 'just live with it.' Please help :(

4838 day(s) ago

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Soory to hear about your trouble. It is really hard to give advice as its so complex what has happened.

I suggest you get to a neurologist with expertise in RSD (or CRPS - complex regional pain syndrome, which it is also know as)

Posted 4830 days ago

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