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Will my toenail completely fall off eventually?

About a month ago, while on vacation, I did some extensive walking wearing a really cute pair of heeled boots. Yes, my feet did hurt a little. That evening, I realized that my toe(nail) was sore, but nothing extreme (so I thought). I had on dark red nail polish so nothing was visually wrong (maybe minimally swollen, but don't really recall that). The next morning, my toe was so sore that I wore flip flops for the ride home. The next day (Monday), I wore closed in shoes with just a little disomfort, but nothing big. That evening, I was moving a sofa and stubbed the same toe!!!! OMG!!!! I almost passed out!! It bled profusely and the tip was lifted some. Most of the bleeding was from the sides closest to the tip end of the toe. I couldn't tell how much it was lifted, because I was too scared to look!!! I cleaned it as much as I could, applied neosporin, and took Tylenol. To say the least, it was swollen and bruised. The following morning (Tuesday), it was REALLY SORE and SWOLLEN. My 6 year old son was walking ahead of me (wearing the hardest pair of boots in the world). He stopped dead in his tracks and I stubbed the same toe on his boots!!!!!! I could hear it tear! There was bleeding. I cleaned it, applied ointment, took Tylenol, but had to continue with my day (hopping and moaning). I still had not removed the red polish. Acetone anywhere near the nail was just not smart. There was more swelling. I utilized Internet medicine vs going to see my dr. Now, a month since the initial incident, and I finally found the nerve to take the polish off and clip the nail back as far as I think is ok. There is a really small black "dot" near cuticle and dark red/black hardened "stuff" when you look under the curved, lifted part of the nail. I still haven't had the nerve to try and lift it to see how much it will come up. It is still attached at the cuticle and part of the sides. I don't apply the ointment as much but I keep it clean and cover it since I still haven't attempted to wear shoes. I will be going to NYC in a week and will need to wear shoes. My question is: "Based on the information I provided, will my entire nail fall off eventually?" "Is it ok to wear shoes? Will wearing shoes just damage it further?" "Help! What should I be doing to care for it at this point?"

4736 day(s) ago

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Its hard to say without actually seeing it, but I think your best option is to see a Podiatrist and get it cut back as far as possible to help with the symptoms (it won't hurt!) and improve the long term chance of growing properly.

If not, and its going to hurt and you need to wear the shoes, then one good option is to use some padding on the toe behind the nail (NOT over the nail). The purpose of this is to remove the pressure from the shoe off the nail.

Posted 4736 days ago

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