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Bottom Side Foot Pain ?

I've researched and cannot find an answer to my foot pain. It is similar to a muscle or tendon ache. It is concentrated only the right underside/outside of my right foot about the beginning of the fifth metatarsal to the end of it. It initially appeared only when I sat for a period of time and then stood up and began walking. The walking would reduce the pain and it would begin to eventually cease. Since it began (many months now) I now feel it most of the time - including lying in bed with out any pressure on it. Sometimes it has made it difficult to fall asleep. It is usually either absent on waking or I will only barely feel it. I will immediately feel in on standing. Both my feet will be stiff and sore overall on standing, but that ceases after walking for a bit. I've tried massage, foot baths and pain relievers but they work only temporarily. I wear two pair of shoes during the week that I alternate that fit well and have inserts. They are New Balance and Rockport walking shoes. They give a lot of support and are well padded. On weekends I wear either those or another pair of walking shoes that are equally supportive. I cannot wear any type of canvas deck shoe or sandal because of this issue, though I used to sometimes on the weekends before this issue arose. I wear 10.5 shoes that are a bit wider than the average size width. I am twenty pounds overweight but have been that way for several years before this started (I am currently working on losing it). I am a 60 year old male who spends most of his waking time sitting in front of a computer (graphic designer) - though I get up at least three-four times per hour to walk around, stretch and relax my vision. I ruled out have a bone fracture as I never had swelling or the skin bruising. I even consider a sciatic nerve issue, except there's no back pain and I cant see that nerve affecting my foot.

2904 day(s) ago

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My first thought is 'cuboid syndrome' - Google it and see if that is what it sounds like

Posted 2904 days ago

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