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Pain in the tops of my feet when standing from rest and pinky toe ?

For the last 9 years I have had progressive pain on the tops of my feet. This pain only happens when I stand up after resting. It is the most painful I’m the morning getting out of bed. It improves after a minute or so if walking. Then during the day it will happen again after sitting for any period of time ... upon standing it is very painful I’m the tops of my feet for several steps. I have also noticed that the pinky toes on both my feet don’t touch the ground. They are slightly raised. I also have issues with my hands and my doctor is now sending me for a nerve conduction test.
I have read about post static dyskinesia and it seems to match except it is not in my heel or bottom of feet. It is the tops of my feet. Thoughts?

2667 day(s) ago

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Everything you are describing is typical of plantar fasciitis, but that is on the bottom of the foot.
Honestly, I have no idea what it is as there is nothing that matches the symptoms that you are describing. I assume that this is why the dr sent you for nerve conductions to investigate further.

There is a possibility that it could be 'dorsal midfoot interosseus compression syndrome'. Check this out:

Posted 2666 days ago

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2665 day(s) ago
Thanks for this. That is an interesting thought. Although my pain improves the more I walk. My pinkie toes lifting off the ground is strange and I have asked my doctor about arthritis but she says no because I have no swelling or pain in my toes. The pain is all in the tops of my feet. And sometimes the pain is so intense in the mornings it takes my breath away.
Really appreciate your suggestions on this! I am going to make note of it to take to my doctor.

2665 day(s) ago
Thanks for this. That is an interesting thought. Although my pain improves the more I walk. My pinkie toes lifting off the ground is strange and I have asked my doctor about arthritis but she says no because I have no swelling or pain in my toes. The pain is all in the tops of my feet. And sometimes the pain is so intense in the mornings it takes my breath away.
Really appreciate your suggestions on this! I am going to make note of it to take to my doctor.

2665 day(s) ago
Thanks for this. That is an interesting thought. Although my pain improves the more I walk. My pinkie toes lifting off the ground is strange and I have asked my doctor about arthritis but she says no because I have no swelling or pain in my toes. The pain is all in the tops of my feet. And sometimes the pain is so intense in the mornings it takes my breath away.
Really appreciate your suggestions on this! I am going to make note of it to take to my doctor.

2665 day(s) ago
Thanks for this. That is an interesting thought. Although my pain improves the more I walk. My pinkie toes lifting off the ground is strange and I have asked my doctor about arthritis but she says no because I have no swelling or pain in my toes. The pain is all in the tops of my feet. And sometimes the pain is so intense in the mornings it takes my breath away.
Really appreciate your suggestions on this! I am going to make note of it to take to my doctor.

2665 day(s) ago
Thanks for this. That is an interesting thought. Although my pain improves the more I walk. My pinkie toes lifting off the ground is strange and I have asked my doctor about arthritis but she says no because I have no swelling or pain in my toes. The pain is all in the tops of my feet. And sometimes the pain is so intense in the mornings it takes my breath away.
Really appreciate your suggestions on this! I am going to make note of it to take to my doctor.

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