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Why does the top right part of my foot hurt?

Yesterday afternoon, I tried to get up from my chair (it's a comfy spinny chair), and when I stepped on my right foot, it really hurt in the top right part (I think in the metacarpals or cuboid bone). My ankle had been hurting for a couple weeks before and it was hard to go up any stairs or run. I haven't done much exercise other than a two mile run/jog/walk P.E. last Friday (yes, I did it with my ankle in pain). The weird thing is is that when I 'patted' the other (left) side of my right foot, the right side, where I described before, hurt. Also, when I lift my leg into the air, it hurts in the foot, and when I bend my toes down or up. But, it doesn't hurt when I bend my toes with my hand. I tried Ibuprofen, it didn't help much. I slept ok, and I didn't wake up at night from any pain. When I woke up this morning, it still hurt, but not nearly as much as it did yesterday. I can walk, but I limp. I didn't go to school today, and one of the doctors at my pediatricians' office gave me a 'no P.E.' note, but other than that, she just told me what I already knew. Also, I have been cracking my 'knuckles' (are they the same as on fingers?) on my toes for a couple of years now (I haven't been doing it today because it hurts) , if that gives any reason. But other than that, I can't think of anything that touched my foot other than my socks and shoes. My foot is not disoriented or anything, and I don't participate in any athletic activities, other than P.E.

3413 day(s) ago

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Sorry, this is a tough one to consider with seeing it. Nothing in your description matches any "pattern" of anything specific.
Has anything changes since you wrote the above?

Posted 3412 days ago

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