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What's causing the pains in my foot from my pinky toe to my ankle and fro 1 ankle thru my heel to my other ankle ... that feels like a pinched nerve. ?

I have flat feet and on 11/22/2011 I had that surgery where the dr put that screw looking thing in by my ankle, to keep my foot lined up straight now when I stand. Since then I have had a sharp pain in my foot going from the inside ankle to the outside ankle, that feels like a pinched nerve, It hurts to move my foot around and when I am walking on areas that are bumpy, like thru snow or stones. Sometime if I go to stand up, I don't step on it right and it hurts. I also have a pain from the outside ankle to my pinky toe, when I walk. My doctor can't figure out what is wrong. He took my x-rays to some big seminar or something, where the guy, who invented the flat foot surgery was and showed him my x-rays to see if he could see anything wrong, but he said everything looked fine. My dr has me going to physical therapy right now, but because of my insurance, they aren't doing much with me. The lady massages my foot lightly with some gel, then gives me a belt to put around my foot and with my leg straight,as I am sitting on the table, I pull my foot towards me and hold it for 10 sec. I do it 20 times. Monday she had me try to stand on 2 ball like things with flat bottoms, but it hurt me too much to I had to sit and move my foot on it, then I left. I have to go again this morning. So far none of this is helping me and my foot hurts a little more. Oh, my dr also has me wearing my special shoe inserts that were made from a mold of my foot last year ... I hate them, they are so uncomfortable and don't help. Whenever I tell these drs about the feeling I have in my foot, they look at me like I am nuts or something.
One other problem I have with the same foot is my big toe ... I had surgery on it the same day as the other surgery. I had a lump on the toe bone that was hitting a nerve when I walked that caused a shooting pain through my foot. He said he just needed to go in the side of my toe and sand down the bone. Well a couple days before Christmas he had to do the surgery again because he didn't get the whole lump that was

4743 day(s) ago

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Sorry, I have no idea! The pattern of symptoms that you are describing matches nothing I am familiar with or heard of. Its is mostly likely a nerve involvement, but the pattern does not match any one particular nerve.

I can only suggest a more thorough investigation such as nerve conduction studies and MRI

Posted 4743 days ago

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Question Title What's causing the pains in my foot from my pinky toe to my ankle and fro 1 ankle thru my heel to my other ankle ... that feels like a pinched nerve. ?
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